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How to Change the FTP User Quota in cPanel

Follow these steps to change the FTP quota or set it to Unlimited.

1. Log in to your cPanel account.

2. In the Files section, click on FTP Accounts.

Under the FTP Accounts list, click on Change Quota.

FTP Quota: Specify the quota in numerical words or select Unlimited.

4. Click on Change Quota.

Winding up the short answer, now let’s move on to some explanation: 

Changing the FTP user quota in cPanel involves a few simple steps, but it’s important to understand the process thoroughly to avoid any potential issues. Here’s a detailed explanation:

  1. Accessing cPanel: Log in to your cPanel account using your username and password. Once logged in, you’ll be presented with the cPanel dashboard, which contains various options and settings for managing your hosting account.
  2. Locating FTP Accounts: In the cPanel dashboard, navigate to the “Files” section, where you’ll find the “FTP Accounts” option. Click on it to access the FTP Accounts page.
  3. Selecting the FTP Account: On the FTP Accounts page, you’ll see a list of existing FTP accounts associated with your cPanel account. Find the FTP account for which you want to change the quota and click on the “Change Quota” link next to it.
  4. Adjusting Quota: After clicking on the “Change Quota” link, you’ll be prompted to enter the new quota value for the selected FTP account. The quota is typically measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), depending on your hosting provider’s settings.
  5. Setting the New Quota: Enter the desired quota value for the FTP account. Keep in mind any disk space limitations imposed by your hosting plan or provider. You can either type in the quota manually or use the provided options to select a predefined quota size.
  6. Confirming Changes: Once you’ve entered the new quota value, click on the “Change Quota” button to apply the changes. cPanel will then update the quota for the selected FTP account accordingly.
  7. Verifying Changes: After changing the FTP user quota, it’s a good practice to verify that the changes have been applied successfully. You can do this by checking the FTP Accounts page again and ensuring that the new quota value is reflected for the appropriate FTP account.
  8. Testing FTP Access: Finally, it’s advisable to test FTP access using the modified account credentials to ensure that the changes haven’t affected the account’s functionality negatively.
  9. Monitoring Usage: Keep an eye on the disk space usage of your FTP accounts regularly, especially if you’ve made significant changes to their quotas. This will help you stay within your hosting plan’s limits and avoid potential issues related to exceeding disk space quotas.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to effectively change the FTP user quota in cPanel while ensuring that your website or application has the necessary resources to operate smoothly.

Updated on April 26, 2024